Saturday, December 21, 2019

3 healthy drinks which have an amazing effect on your metabolism

All of us strive to get healthy habits, balanced nutrition and getting regular exercise. Still there is another routine which you can follow so you can boost your metabolism, improve hydration and getting rid of those extra pounds. These healthy drinks should become your daily routine.

Hydration goes a long way in keeping your health state “in the green”. Here’s 3 drinks which you can try if you want to give your body a boost.

Celery juice

Celery juice is really efficient when you are trying to lose weight. It boosts our energy levels and it’s the perfect choice for the morning meal. It’s very rich on Vitamins A, B, C and E which contribute to the cleansing of your body. Celery juice is a real detox for your body.
Warm lemonade

This drink gives your metabolism a reasonable boost. Vitamin C stimulates burning those extra pounds and boosts your metabolism in the process as well. Additionally has a positive effect on your skin. Pour half a lemon in a glass and add fresh orange juice in it as well. This will make your morning drink even sweeter.

Freshly squeezed apple juice

Apples are known as fruits with very little calories. Add a couple of apples in your juicer and you’ll get a very tasty apple juice balanced diet which will do miracles for your body. Keep it in the fridge for a real refreshment during the hot summer days and enjoy this healthy habit.
You should give these healthy drinks a try. You won’t be disappointed with the boost they’ll give to your body.


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