1. Excessive scratching
Remember that bacteria that extends in underwear. Well, these bacteria can transfer to the skin. Will irritate the area and cause all kinds of itching. Some say that when you change your underwear too often unhygienic and kills beautiful scents; However, there are other issues to consider. generation areas! Such are prone to excessive bacteria anyway, so why would you want to tempt the waters and promote the breeding of dangerous spores?
2. Large rashes and irritation
If you have a vague scratching itchy, you will possibly cause severe irritation and ulcers. dirty material has the ability to rub the skin. Visible bumps may look like a heat rash at first but can become open sores if let go. Since this area does not get a lot of air, cure is often a slow process. They can be treated, but it is something that can be avoided by simply changing their underwear.3. The offensive strong odors Chances are if you do not change your underwear probably have not had a good shower. Occasionally, it is okay to jump changing their underwear, but you may notice a foul odor coming from the lower regions. Bacteria, chafing, and all the dirty materials can make a good smell. His genitals need to have plenty of fresh air to stay healthy. Its flora can smell like a stinkweed if not properly cleaned and clean underwear is used.Related Post: 1 cup this diary your stomach fat will melt!
4. Principal can develop infections
If you exercise or do a lot of sweating, excessive moisture will occur. humid environments are the perfect breeding ground for bacteria. nasty infections often start by moisture and not change your underwear can only add to the problems. You’ve probably heard cotton underwear are the best. Nylon and lace are another risk factor for infections.
5. The risk of urinary tract infection
A urinary tract infection is one of the most serious problems that a woman can be treated. They burning sensation when urinating is sometimes unbearable. anytime bacteria can make their way into the va*inal cavity even in the area of the bladder, which can cause infection. A urinary tract infection is not a symbol that will become a kidney infection. Wearing panties days old is a huge risk factor for ICU infections.Related Post: Homemade remedy for tooth cavity
A change would do you good
So how often to change your underwear? Well, according to many studies, change of underwear at least once a day is advisable. If you exercise regularly, you must also change every time you sweat. So if you work daily, you may need to change their underwear twice a day. The goal is to be clean and fresh throughout the day. It will be more comfortable for you and those around you. In addition, you will be able to ensure that preventing UTI and other infections.